Dual German/Australian citizenship
(How/When) Can I become an Australian citizen?
Can I keep my current German citizenship?

Dual German/Australian Citizenship:
Eligibility and Timing
While dual citizenship has been possible for Australian citizens for a long time, German citizens used to require - until recently - a special permit to retain their German citizenship - the so-called 'Beibehaltungsgenehmigung' (BBG)' if they chose to adopt another citizenship;
A change in the Germany citizenship law in June 2024 abolished the requirement for a BBG , and as a result most German citizens can now take up another citizenship without losing their German citizenship...and without requiring a special permit or exemption. (For further details visit the joint website of the Germany Embassy Canberra/German Consulate in Sydney)
Chapter 2 Australia has particular expertise in supporting aspiring Australian citizenship applicants for candidates who do not meet the standard eligibility criteria, in particular candidates with extended periods of absence from Australia.
Book a consultation to explore possible strategies and timelines to optimise the timing of your Australian citizenship application.

Australian Citizenship
Citizenship status can bring considerable benefits and advantages, as well as greater security, than what is available to Permanent Residents.
Discover if/how soon you could be eligible for Australian citizenship, and how to align any planned overseas trips so as not to adversely affect your Australian citizenship application.
Eligibility and Application
In addition to being of 'good character' , currently, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Must have lived lawfully in Australia for the past 4 years, including 12 months as a permanent resident, immediately before their application
Must not have been absent from Australia for more than 12 months during those 4 years, including no more than 90 days immediately before the citizenship application.
Some exemptions and other pathways to Australian citizenship are available in certain the circumstances. Book a consultation to find out if/how soon you could be eligible.